Remember when we used to go outside to play at recess and again when we got home? We used to hunt bugs and play with sticks and wade in a stream on weekends. Now as parents we seem too busy working to be watching the kids every minute, we worry about dangerous strangers, we fear nasty bugs, pollen allergies, and snakes in the grass, and our kids play on concrete with games structured just to keep the peace. Might this change be a factor in the increasing problems among our children? With boredom, attention problems, learning disorders, over-eating, and even other physical problems? My guest today teaches children and adults to get outside. Not just outside but in Nature, to really experience its wildness and awesomeness and to get to know our ecological roots. Ellen Haas is co-author of Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature, which is getting rave reviews and helping parents and teachers to help kids build their connectedness to nature and their community too.